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Adding Interactions-Hotspots
Adding Interactions-Hotspots
Jordan Prior avatar
Written by Jordan Prior
Updated over a week ago

Hotspots can be used to add interactivity to your simulations. There are multiple types of hotspots available, these are outlined with example use cases below:

InfoBox - same content as an infoBox once clicked but hidden by default so users have to click an icon to view. Example: in a patient examination simulation an infobox can be used to provide more information on what symptoms the doctor is looking for when inspecting the patient.
Seek - move to a specific time within the same video
Play another video - plays a 360 video that's already added to the simulations. Example: a hotspot on a door when clicked shows the user another 360 video filmed in that room, this gives the impression of moving rooms useful for walkthroughs or tours
Audio - upload an audio clip for the user to listen to. Example: an audio hotspot could be used to add a patient's heartbeat during a cardiac exam simulation
Video - upload a 'normal' 2D video click within the 360 video
End sim - finishes current simulation

Adding a hotspot
1. Right click on the video at the point you want to hotpot to appear. You can also select the hotspot feature on the left navigation panel.

2. Select the hotspot type

3. If using media such as an image or video, select the file you wish to upload and drag into the upload area, choose the size and whether you'd like it to appear with or without a frame around it.

2D videos will pause the 360 video and play automatically when the hotspots are selected, when the 2D video is closed, the main video will continue to play

Please see the below videos for more details on how to add specific types of hotspots

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