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Course Simulations and Modules-add video
Course Simulations and Modules-add video
Jordan Prior avatar
Written by Jordan Prior
Updated over a week ago

Courses are made up of modules, which contain one or more simulations. You can create as many modules as you would like for each course. The first module is available to students from the time of the course start date. Each module there-after will be locked until the previous one has been completed. If you would like each module to be available from the start date tick the 'Unlocked all units' button on the course details page.

Adding/Creating a New Module

  1. Within your chosen course, select the 'simulations tab' then select the "Add New Module" input field and type the name of the Module you want to create.

    Adding modules
  2. When you have finished typing, click the '+' button at the right-hand side of the input field:

    Add module button
  3. When successful, you should see a confirmation message appear on-screen

    module added
  4. Click the arrow on the right-side of the new module to expand the list, enter a description and add simulations

Module description

Deleting a Module

  1. To delete a module from a course, locate the module you wish to delete in the list, and select the trashcan Icon:

  2. Once you click this, you will be asked to confirm that you want to delete this module from the course. Click the "OK" button to proceed.

  3. Once this has been done successfully, you will be presented with a message confirming the module is now deleted.

Adding a Simulation to a Module

  1. To add a simulation to a module, expand the module in the list using the arrow to the right of the module name:

  2. Then select the "Add Simulations" drop-down, and choose the simulation you wish to add to this module:

Once this is done and successful, you should be presented with a confirmation message:

Removing a Simulation from a Module

  1. To remove a simulation from a module, expand the module in the list. You should see a list of simulations inside the module panel. At the far right-hand side, you should see an icon that looks like this:

  2. Click this icon on the simulation you wish to remove from the module, and you will be prompted to confirm that you want to "detach" this simulation from the module, go ahead and click the "OK" button. Note: this won't delete the simulation, it will only remove it from this module

  3. Once completed successfully, you should be able to see a confirmation message on the screen:

Editing a Module's Details

Renaming a Module

  1. To rename a module, select the ellipsis menu icon that is located immediately to the right of the modules' title on the list item. This will present you with a menu that contains the "Edit Name" option:

  2. Selecting this will change the title label field into an editable text field, and provide you with "accept" and "cancel" icons to confirm or discard your changes:

  3. When you are finished renaming the module, select the tick/check-mark icon to confirm. The title will now change to display the new name.

Editing a Module's Description

  1. To edit a module's description, expand the list item related to the module, edit the content of the "Module Description" text field:

  2. Changes will be saved automatically as you type, this is indicated by the circular save/load indicator:

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