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Individual User Analytics
Individual User Analytics
Jordan Prior avatar
Written by Jordan Prior
Updated over a week ago

You can access user analytics based on that users' engagement with simulations and courses by clicking the "Video Sim Analytics" tab within their account.

This guide breaks down the available analytics and their purpose.

1. Time Spent

User time spent

  • Total Completed - The total number of simulations completed by this user

  • Total Time Watched - The number of hours, minutes and seconds of simulation videos watched by this user.

2. Performance

User performance

  • Average Score - Based on correct answers given across all simulations played by this user.

  • Average Reaction Time - Based on the average length of time the user takes to answer a question, across all simulations they have completed.

3. Knowledge Gain Averaged Across All Simulations

User knowledge gain v2

  • Avg. Latest Correct % - This is the user's latest average correct answer percentage

  • Avg. First Correct % - This looks back at the user's initial correct answer percentage.

  • Knowledge Delta - The difference between both the initial correct percentage, and the current correct percentage.

  • Knowledge Gain - Using a mathematical equation for percentage change, this statistic determines the percentage increase of correct answers provided, and, consequently, highlights potential increase in knowledge.

4. Simulation Views and Scores

User views and scores v2

This is a cross-reference chart that allows for further analysis of both the Time Spent and Performance metrics, enabling a quick evaluation of any key trends or patterns in the users' learning.

5. User Simulation Scores

This is a full list of the simulations a user has completed. It includes the simulation name, the latest date of completion, the users first and best score and the user's overall knowledge gain, which is calculated from the previous two metrics.

6. Strongest Simulations and Weakest Simulations

These cards show the simulations a user has performed the strongest and weakest in. This is useful for identifying any areas users may need further support.

7. Most Viewed Simulations

This is a pie chart showing all of the simulations the user has ever viewed, sized by the number of times they have viewed it. The key underneath lists all of the simulations, as well as what colour they represent on the chart.

The chart is interactive:

  • Hovering over any segment of the pie chart with your mouse cursor will present you with more information in a pop-up window.

  • Clicking on a segment of the chart will bring it out of line with the chart, allowing for isolated viewing from the rest of the chart segments.

  • Clicking on any of the list items in the key below the chart will hide or show that segment in the pie chart (this is represented by the colourisation/opacity of the list item itself. If it is faded-out, then the related segment will have been removed from the chart above).

8. Courses

This table provides information on any courses the user is enrolled in. It includes data on course start and due date, the user's progress and average score (if applicable).

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