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How To Create A New User Account
How To Create A New User Account
Jordan Prior avatar
Written by Jordan Prior
Updated over a week ago

There are four user types available: admin users, super-admin users, regular users and content creators.

Admin users: can access the full admin side and are able to create users and content creators

Super-admin users: same permissions as admin users but have the ability to create admin users. We recommend two super-admins per organisation who can then create all admin users

Users: can complete simulations but don't have access to the admin side - this will be all learners/students. To bulk upload users please contact

Content creators: can create and edit simulations only, don't have access to any other data on the admin side

1. To create a new User from the main dashboard, select the "Users" item in the main navigation list:

Users tab

2. You should now see a table/list of current users for your organisation in the main content area. Select the "Add New User" button in the top right-hand corner of the window:

Add new user button

3. You will be required to fill out some basic details about the new user you wish to create (please note that not all fields are required):

Create new user

4. Then click 'Save New User'

Save new user

5. More form fields will then appear. These include the following:

  • Student Number - Optional field to fill out for students

  • User Role - User will select when they first login

  • Areas of Interest - User will select when they first login

  • New Password + Confirm New Password - users will be prompted to set their own password when they first login but this can be used to manually reset it for them

User page

6. If you fill in any additional fields, hit the "Save New User" again. You will be prompted to do this if you try to navigate away from the page without saving first

Save new user

7. You should now see an overview of the Users' details, and a pop-up message stating that the user was successfully added:

User added

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